While we receive some government funding for our services and programmes, this does not cover the full cost of providing the interventions necessary to see a “turn around” in the lives of our young people.

We rely on your support and generosity. We cannot do it without you.

Make a donation by Credit Card

Donate via internet banking to:

Name of Account: 180 Degrees Trust Bank Account number: 38 9006 0644879 00

Please email our Admin with your contact details so we can create a tax deductible receipt for you. Please include your name, postal address or email and if you would like your donation to go to a specific cause.


180 Degrees Trust is a registered charity. Contact your payroll staff if you wish to donate to the trust via payroll giving. We have recently partnered with the Spark Foundation enabling Spark Employees donations to be matched by the Spark Foundation.


A gift in your Will (ie. a “Bequest”) to The 180 Degrees Trust is a way for your kindness to live on to help those youth most vulnerable in our community.

The 180 Degrees Trust is currently forming an Endowment Fund which will be governed by a Board of Trustees responsible for the wise investment of the Foundation Endowment Fund. An endowment is a sum (usually in the form of a bequest) that is invested so that the capital is not spent, but the interest generates an annual income stream which may be used to offset operating costs of 180 Degrees or otherwise as specified by the donor. By making a bequest to the Endowment Fund you are helping to ensure the longevity of the ongoing valued work of 180 Degrees with ‘at risk’ youth.


If you wish to make a bequest to 180 Degrees you will become a member of the 180 Degrees Longfellow Benefactors group and will be kept abreast of current ongoings of 180Degrees’ work and future plans. As the decision to make a bequest is private and personal the list of members is never made public.


If you would like to discuss this further or would like to make a bequest in your will to 180 Degrees please contact Jeremy Nurse, Managing Trustee, 0275 550 4828 or ad***@18********.nz It is a simple process which can make a large impact on those who are in most need of our support.